Selasa, 22 Januari 2019

Happy 1st birthday Audra Jameela

Pejam celik pejam celik dah masuk setahun!!
Auwww Audra...Mommy tak puas nak gomol-gomol dia yang gebu tu!!

For her 1st birthday ni...Mommy buat something special...sket la!hahahah... since Mommy not good to bake a Mommy order kat my friend...tapi kosong ye..takde any design..plain butter cheese cake...agak-agak apa Mommy nak buat?hmm🤔

This is before...
This one is after...Taddaaaaa!!!

Me, Anya and Noah buat chocolate and paste kat cake tu...cantik kan?hahahha anyway u guys dont laugh ok...but my kids said CANTIKKK!! So oklah...janji kids happy...penat pinjam chocolate mold kat Mak Long diorang ni ha...sanggup!

Simple celebration for them... for today ..sebab Daddy dah plan something special for Audra and Noah!! Yeayyy!!!... I'll update later okehh! Kita tengok Daddy dia nak buat apa...yang konon simple tu...🙄


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