Amy nak share sumthing for all mommy to be..since Amy kerap sakit belakang (back pain) nowdays..nak tido..nk duduk..nak bangun laa paling seksa rasanya..macam la perut dah besar sangat!but seriously I tak leh duduk lelama..sakit!Nak bangun pergi toilet memalam pun seksa okeh...huhu
Changes to your back during pregnancy
As your baby grows, your posture will adapt to compensate for the weight of the baby. You may find that the arch in your lower back becomes more pronounced and you feel as though you are leaning back more.
These changes are necessary to keep your weight balanced and to protect your back and pelvic joints. Some women, however, find that their back becomes flatter during pregnancy, particularly if they are not carrying their baby "all at the front". Whether you arch or flatten your back is more likely to be dependant on your pre-pregnancy posture rather than anything you have done during the pregnancy. Postural changes during pregnancy have not been shown to cause back pain.
The muscles of your back, lower abdomen and pelvic floor are designed to move and stabilise the joints of your back and pelvis. As your uterus and baby grow, it can become more difficult for them to perform this role, resulting in back pain during pregnancy. Your back is vulnerable to the same stresses and strains as someone who is not pregnant, however, it is protected somewhat by your baby acting as an internal support.
Your pelvis is not protected in the same way and as a result, is more prone to pain during pregnancy. Hormones such as oestrogen and relaxin cause the joints of your pelvis to become slightly looser than normal. This can give rise to Pelvic Girdle Pain or Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction.
and SOLUTION nya adalah :
- Avoid heavy lifting
- Exercise regularly contoh swimming or walking (tetiba this week rasa mcm nk swimming leh tak yayang teman i?)
- Wear comfortable shoes ( Some women will only be comfortable in flat shoes, however, other women need a bit of a heel to take the pressure off their back. Generally, if you have an arched lower back, high heels may increase this, whereas flat shoes tend to have the opposite effect. ) So tak salah yer i nk pakai wedges etc..huhu mungkin lebey selesa!
- Improve your posture
- Pelvic tilting
- Good sitting posture (hmm hat ni aku failed!selalu jek nk membongkok..)
- Try kneeling on your hands and knees
Source :: BabyCenter
So you guys boleh not sure either i sorang je ke yang rasa...but lately tummy makin membesar..(even orang selalu ckp perut Amy kecik!but I rasa cukup besar kot..coz b4 this tak penah ada perut sebesar ini..hahaha) dan mungkin saya juga akan mencubanya..kot2 leh la kurangkan sikit back pain ni..heee...
Agak bz nowdays..sekarang tengah bz prepare my niece birthday party...cepatnya setahunnn!!Mama ika and Uncle Tim love u budak demok!! Happy Belated Birthday to Qaira Jasmine -6/7/2010...
From this..


11 ulasan:
alahai qaira jasmine..kiutnya kamu..
amy..bab sakit belakang x leh kasi komen, belum join club lagi..:)
apa2 pun take care ya!
fikaryna :: hehehe dia cute and noty jugak!ayayayai,..bout back pain..takpe2..hehe
Amy-tq amy 4 the info.seriously sy pon menghadapi msalah back pain ni.Now bole la practic exercise ni.tot susu bole menolong tp mcm xde kesan pon...
hi amy, i'm 2 weeks pregnant tp blom rasa back pain sgt. cuma lenguh2 mcm selalu rasa nak diurut je. sama ke? hihi.
ehhh 7 weeks! hahaha
Luv like this :: yup2 cool kan?try la buat..
ederq :: hehe tekejut i baca 2 weeks!haha...memula preggy dulu i kena back pain ni jugak..tapi tak sesakit sekarang la..maybe kot..hormon
betul la..walau tummy xbesar maner tp ttp rase sakit2 belakang n pelvic..nk jalan pun susah..nk bgn lg susah..
sis,kn ade pregnancy pillow aite?y don't u try that? tp kna order kot..huhu cewahh mcm da jd momy plak hik3=p
ct ingatkan masa period je sakit blakang ek... hebat betul dugaan ibu mengandung... hurmmm...
aziyana :: tu la pasal..takpe la at least kita tau ada process tengah berjalan kat dlm tu..wakaka
ell :: oh yeke?tak tau pun..wah2 terror nih!nnt google..
ctiey :: hahah ni sakit dia lebih sket dari back pain masa period...
amy..walaupun 1 baru 12 weeks, tp sakit blkg tak tau nak cakap kadang2 rasa nak nangis especially time kat opis (kalau kt rumah byk baring je)..harus ke i g massage?
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