Saya sangat rajin mengupload blog sekarang kan?Itu sebab Anil terpaksa marathon blog saya sentiasa!wakakak..sian kamu Anil..
Last week me,Atim,cousins shopping kain di Jackel untuk dipakai pada wedding saya nanti...Families semuanya colour soft blue..and for bridesmaid we choose soft green supaya color tak lari sangat..

So colorful bukan?ye saya sukakan wedding yg santai dan colorful..sebab tu theme saya garden using color2 vintage..semua yang soft2 sajer...and admire this..cuma color2 dia agak terang kan?...

it look like playful sket..but tak pe la..meriah sket wakaka...belum masuk lagi lil bit yellow and orange yer..hahaha...
oh ya any ideas for my photobooth??nak guna kain color apa ye??since theme color saya carca marba sudah..pls drop your comment yeah...thanks!
Before that..Selamat menyambut tahun baru 2010!
Semoga kalian menjadi lebih bagus dari thn2 sudah...
Happy New Year guys!
17 ulasan:
yeahhh color pic yg green tu lbh kurang mcm my maid of honour la..hihi..
ishh x sabaq nak tgk keseluruhan majlis amy! mesti di jayakan dengan meriah spertimana color2 nya yg meriah itu....
BuTtErFlyInFraMe :: ha ke?haha..tu la..suppose its only white n ok la..but we all tak nk sebelah family pakai putih..and another side pakai hijau..coz bila tgkp gambar tak cantik!terus main dgn color..but semuanya soft2 belaka..insyallah..aleena u boleh dtg ke?kuikuikui..gossip kat email jek!
Amy, nak gossip ape??hehe
BuTtErFlyInFraMe :: gatai nih..ada ym?
amy : tgk post welcome 2010 ni rasa takut nk masuk tahun baru.huhu...tetiba berdebar.
wah! color combination yg sgt sweet! sukanye ade colorful..all d best yer!
ada.. add me at jaunty_girlz
kalau tak boleh , kita gosip kat email je..tau kan email sy?
miss F ::hehehe bedebar ??heheh senyum jek
BuTtErFlyInFraMe :: okeh..tau2!
off white!!!
oh...n i thought I was the only one that wanted to go all colorful!
still trying to get mama to buy into it...
wish u the best of weddings can bring..
i mmg suke kaler2 yg meriahhh
hey..i x yah marathon ur blog...i dah rajin sket bukak sana sini...weee...
haaa utk photobooth tu gna kain off cream, pastu print vintage border kaler ijau. boleh? hikkk!
waaahh.. amy, sgt meriah color u babe.. i looikke! x sabar i nk tgk pics wedding u.. so for the photobooth i suggest better u go for off white.. :)) anyway, heppy new year babe!
photobooth-purple,putih,ijau and turquoise bole tak..hahhhaa leafs n mix w 1 color dat u really2 like
huhu pening jgk nak pikir nih :D anyway, slamat tahun baru :D tak sabo mau tgk hasil majlis amy nnt!
~Legal me Yours~ :: thanks dear..gud luck to u too!
Elly ANAILLE :: off white?emm tak tenggelam kah?baju i putih?
syaz s:: another off white hehehe..ok2 akan dipertimbangkan
dialicious :: thanks diah!
[ Hanie ] :: hanie amik jalan selamat wakakaka...abaikan saya..sebab saya mmg cerewet kan?huhu
amy i love the pastel colour cantik..kenapalah tak pernah terfikir..hhehee..
Sabby :: hehehe...u ada pink color kan?pastel gak la tu..hehehe
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