Dan yang lagi tak leh pecaya saya menang award for "Most Glamorous Bride 2009"!!!hahaha...thanks to THEM!!
For 4weddingku team!thank you very much...really appreciated! Ohh glamour ker?wakakaka..but stated kat situ "Winners are picked based on matching the criteria of the awards." So jangan muntah darah...and dont forget to follow their blog on why they choose us!
Congrats to Anillutaze too!sebab dapat title Most Fabolous Bride 2009!!
11 ulasan:
slm amy
tahniah =) glamer u..
wah gempakkkk!!!!congrats anil&amy..u guys deserve it.4weddingku tu ape...WP ke company..nak cek out the blog la..fofular amy ok!ehhehe
tahniah amy!!
wahhh, congrats! tak sangka ade award nih hehe.
modusoperandi111209:: hahah glamour ker?haha jgn nanti ada orang muntah darah plaks!
dialicious :: hi diah!wakakak ces..4weddingku if u kenal elizaelies then u tau la diorang sapa hehe..
zielalala... thanks ziela
[ Hanie ] ::haha tq hanie..haha
congrats amy.. u deserve this award :-)
kan ku sudanh bilangg wahai wedding guru :p
Congrats to both of U,amy and anil! Glamournyerrrr....hehe
siyes x tau lgsg until diah bgtau hari jumaat ke sabtu ..gitu lah..n tindakan reflesk i kt dia..
erk...mana dtg?
amy mmg pengantn glemer vadevas okeh...!! muahh
anel dapt, u pon daapat.
congrats ek!!!!
ctfza :: oh really?tq very much!
cik yaya :: hahah sudah laahhh..
Ms Abby :: glam gitew!hahah mcm2 nih..
anil lutaze :: tu pasal..ghagaga...rezeki tapi still tak sangka..coz banyak lagiblog yg best!
hazlynda kushairi :: tu la pasal..anyway thanks ya!
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